Thursday, September 5, 2013

Chemical Weapons? Tell it to the ICC!

Benjamin B. Ferencz, prosecutor during the Nuremberg war crimes trials

I hate to burst Congress' (and Obama's) bubble, but if the declaration of war on Syria they're debating is predicated on crimes involving chemical weapons, they're usurping the authority properly assigned to another body.

I'll take the liberty of quoting in full a letter from yesterday's New York Times:
Using poison gas has been a war crime since the 1920s. The Nuremberg trials made plain that crimes are committed by individuals. Only the responsible leaders should be held to judicial account.

No one wants the United States to be the policeman of the world. Congress is not a suitable forum to determine facts and responsibility. The United Nations Security Council should refer the issue to the International Criminal Court in The Hague, which is competent to penalize crimes against humanity.

Delray Beach, Fla., Sept. 1, 2013

The writer was a prosecutor at the Nuremberg war crimes trials after World War II.
I wonder what it would look like if all of the lawyers serving the United States Congress were to show some respect for the law when it comes to allegations of criminal use of chemical weapons?

Maybe it's time to listen to Ben . . . .

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